
ElevateMeD Announcements and Updates

Mayo Clinic supports ElevateMeD mission of diversity in medicine

Thank you Mayo Clinic

Mayo Clinic has been an avid supporter of ElevateMeD since our inception.

In 2020, ElevateMeD was awarded a grant through their EverybodyIn Fund that helped support our first annual ElevateMeD Scholars Summit in Scottsdale, AZ. Through this support, we were able to provide workshops that were personalized for professional development for our Scholars in attendance.

Thank you Mayo Clinic for your continuous support of ElevateMeD.

About Mayo Clinic

Mayo Clinic is a nonprofit organization committed to clinical practice, education and research, providing expert, whole-person care to everyone who needs healing. Mayo Clinic has major campuses in Rochester, Minnesota; Scottsdale and Phoenix, Arizona; and Jacksonville, Florida. The Mayo Clinic Health System has dozens of locations in several states.

Learn more about Mayo Clinic advancing racial equity in local communities.


Get involved:

If you’ve been wanting to get more involved with ElevateMeD, now is the time. If you’re interested in learning more about our Board of Directors or Advisory Board, please reach out to If you’d like to become part of our mentor database, please sign up here. Please follow us on social media and help us expand our reach by liking and sharing our posts.

ElevateMeD Scholars Program

The ElevateMeD Scholars program provides significant financial assistance to medical students while providing them access to mentorship, leadership training, and financial management education.